We are configured our project to create and run tests with Arquillian. Here i will explain how to create a simple test using Arquillian and JPA.
We have created a data source with JNDI-name "jdbc/sample" in part 1, we will use it for our JPA test, i have used an API to make generic DAOs and hibernate-entity-manager as an entitity manager, needed dependencies therefore :
<!-- generic DAO dependencies -->
<!-- This first dependency includes all the JPA implementations for the DAOs -->
<!-- This second one includes the Hibernate Entity Manager plugin for the framework -->
<!-- end of generic DAO dependencies -->
I've created a BaseDAO interface and then the a specific interface to provide CRUD operations for users.
* @author Hasan Oezdemir
* @since 01.10.2011
public interface BaseDAO<T, ID extends Serializable> extends GenericDAO<T, ID> {
public T findByExampleUnique(T example);
* @author Hasan Oezdemir
* @since 01.10.2011
public interface UserDAO extends BaseDAO<User, Long> {
And an abstract class for JPA implementations :
* @author Hasan Oezdemir
* @since 01.10.2011
public abstract class JPAGenericDAO<T, ID extends Serializable> extends GenericDAOImpl<T, ID> implements
BaseDAO<T, ID> {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JPAGenericDAO.class);
private EntityManager entityManager;
public JPAGenericDAO(){
public void initialized(){
JPASearchProcessor searchProcessor = new JPASearchProcessor(new JPAAnnotationMetadataUtil());
public T findByExampleUnique(T example) {
Search s = this.createSearch(example);
return searchUnique(s);
Search s = this.createSearch(example);
return search(s);
protected Search createSearch(T example) {
Search s = new Search(example.getClass());
return s;
As you remember we are created a persistence-unit named "sample" while injecting the entity-manager at this point, we are used this unit for our DAOs :
private EntityManager entityManager
And a reference implementation for our JPA DAO :
* @author Hasan Oezdemir
* @since 01.10.2011
public class JPAUserDAO extends JPAGenericDAO<User, Long> implements UserDAO {
public JPAUserDAO(){
We are now ready to implement an Arquillian Test for our JPA class.The most important section to create a static method annotated with @Deployment to build a ShrinkWrap, here is a sample method:
* Since Arquillian actually creates JAR files under the covers with
* ShrinkWrap, the @Deployment is your way of controlling what is included
* in that Archive. Note, each class utilized in your test case - whether
* directly or indirectly - must be added to the deployment archive.
public static Archive<?> createTestArchive() {
return ShrinkWrap
.create(JavaArchive.class, "test.jar")
.addPackages(true, UserDAO.class.getPackage())
.addAsManifestResource(EmptyAsset.INSTANCE, "beans.xml")
We must add our arquillian configuration too, otherwise ShrinkWrap reads the default configuration and ignores our configuration.
I've created an abstract class which is extended by all test-classes :
* @author Hasan Oezdemir
* @since 02.10.2011
public class AbstractJPATest {
* Since Arquillian actually creates JAR files under the covers with
* ShrinkWrap, the @Deployment is your way of controlling what is included
* in that Archive. Note, each class utilized in your test case - whether
* directly or indirectly - must be added to the deployment archive.
public static Archive<?> createTestArchive() {
return ShrinkWrap
.create(JavaArchive.class, "test.jar")
.addPackages(true, UserDAO.class.getPackage())
.addAsManifestResource(EmptyAsset.INSTANCE, "beans.xml")
protected UserTransaction userTransaction;
public AbstractJPATest() {
* @throws java.lang.Exception
* @throws java.lang.Exception
try {
* @return a test user.
protected User createUser() {
User user = new User();
return user;
Transaction management may be better but this is enought for now :)
We must run our tests with Arquillian.class therefore we should add @RunWith(Arquillian.class) for each our tests-classes, here is a sample :
* @author Hasan Oezdemir
* @since 01.10.2011
public class JPAUserDAOTest extends AbstractJPATest {
private JPAUserDAO jpaUserDAO;
* Test method for
* {@link com.citecompany.dao.jpa.JPAGenericDAO#findByExampleUnique(java.lang.Object)}
* .
public void testFindByExampleUnique() {
User user = this.createUser();
User found = this.jpaUserDAO.findByExampleUnique(user);
assertNotNull("Expected user " + user + " is not found in data source.", found);
assertEquals(user.getName(), found.getName());
So our test class is ready to start, you start it either with maven or in eclipse.